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iAISTX Plus & GV30 Bundle (Combo VHF/GPS Antenna)


“This iAISTX Plus & GV30 bundle is ideal for all type of boat with NMEA 2000 MFDs, providing a single combination VHF+GPS antenna solution that makes installation easy and simple.”



Combination VHF GPS antenna for Class B AIS transponders

This iAISTX Plus & GV30 bundle comprises of an AIS transponder with both GPS and a VHF antenna into one unit, simplifying installation and saving time and resources.

With this package, there’s no need for additional VHF antennas or splitters, offering a hassle-free experience.The short whip VHF antenna of the GV30 does not give the AIS range of a larger half dipole VHF antenna. However, for most smaller vessels this compromise on range (typically GV30 reception is 10-15NM) is outweighed by the space saving and installation benefits.

The GV30 is fitted with a standard 1” threaded base so will fit onto a variety of antenna mount. The 10m coax cables are terminated with a FME mini connector which makes running the cable easy as the connector is barely bigger than the 5mm cable. We then supply suitable adaptors for the TNC and BNC connectors on our iAISTX Plus. Despite its compact dimensions, it offers very good performance as its specifically tuned to 162MHz (AIS frequency)

The iAISTX Plus is a full function Class B AIS transponder with WiFi and NMEA 2000 interface. iAISTX Plus is able to send your boat position and identity data to other AIS equipped vessels. It also provides a wireless interface for mobile devices. This allows popular apps to display received data from other AIS equipped vessels.

This PLUS model also has an NMEA 2000 interface (with integral drop cable) which can integrate with modern plotters, instruments and multi-function displays to therefore provide AIS functionality.

iAISTX Plus creates a secure, password protected, local Wi-Fi network which allows AIS and GPS data to be sent to popular iOS and Android apps such as Navionics, iSailor, Weather4D, SailGrib, iNavX, TimeZero and more. These apps offer a detailed overlay of local AIS targets all updated in real-time. Depending upon the app, you can click on a target and can see identity as well as collision avoidance data such as CPA (closest point of approach) and TCPA (time to closest point of approach).

The tablet’s browser (Safari, Chrome, etc.) provides a simple, embedded web interface for one time programming of the boat’s identity and physical dimensions, required of all AIS transponders. Silencing the transmission and setting up wireless parameters such as passwords can also be done via this web interface.  Installation is simple – just connect power (12/24v), mount the supplied external GPS & VHF antenna.


In order to facilitate the use and configuration of our AIS transponders, our iAISTX has a built-in web interface. The configuration of the transponder can be done through a computer, a tablet or even a smartphone and most importantly, no software is require

You can configure the iAISTX through its own simple web interface, just open your web browser, enter the iAISTX’s IP address and you can configure the vessel details (MMSI number, Boat name, etc.), network name, password and even merge the AIS’s WiFi to an existing WiFi network on board.  So no complicated programming software or app required.

You can even view the received NMEA data in the web browser, for easy fault finding of issues. Finally, the iAISTX supports TCP and UDP network protocols for maximum compatibility with apps.


  • Class B+ 5W AIS transponder with VHF & GPS antenna and WiFi & NMEA 2000 interfaces
  • Supplied with GV30 Combo VHF+GPS antenna (not supplied with antenna mount)
  • GV30 is specifically tuned to 162MHz
  • GV30 is supplied with 2 x 10m cable tails fitted with mini connectors for easy cable installation
  • WiFi interface for phones, tablets, iPads and PCs
  • NMEA 2000 interface for plotter and multi function display AIS compatability
  • Support for all the latest target types such as ATONs and AIS MOB devices
  • Latest HF AIS technology for superior performance
  • UDP and TCP/IP protocols supported for up to 7 connected devices
  • Password protected, secure wireless connection
  • Internal wifi antenna will typically footprint a boat up to 60ft in length
  • Compatible with 100s apps.  See our reviews at www.digitalyacht.net
  • LED status indicators for wireless connection, data, status, time out, power and silent mode
  • Easy embedded web interface for programming
  • Measures just 20 x 14 x 4.5cm
  • 12/24V operation and ultra-low 2W consumption
Additional information
Weight 1250 g
Dimensions 330 × 230 × 100 mm
Manual and Downloads

iAISTX Product Manual V2.02

1.01 MB

Product Manual for latest iAISTX (produced from Q3/2021) with combined AP+STA mode.

what inside box

  • 0.75M power cable
  • GPS & VHF antenna with two 10m cables
  • 0.75M NMEA 2000 drop cable
  • Product Video

    How to configure an AIS tranponder with web interface
