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iSeaSense – Wireless Speed Depth Temp Pack


“Digital Yacht iSeaSense is a new range of complete marine instrumentation packs based on NMEA 2000 and wireless connectivity. This pack includes speed, depth, temperature transducer.”

iSeaSense – Wireless Speed Depth Temp Pack Plus Wind


“Digital Yacht iSeaSense is a new range of complete marine instrumentation packs based on NMEA 2000 and wireless connectivity. This pack includes speed, depth, temperature transducer plus wind sensor.”

Advanced iSeaSense Pack


“A sophisticated system with a Class B SOTDMA AIS transponder integrated to provide AIS and GPS data as well as instrumentation. This system is expandable using a NMEA2000 backbone and the iSeaSense Wi-Fi Server stream wirelessly all instruments and AIS data on to navigation apps & software.”